
Thursday, March 13, 2008

New Words and a Worthy Cause

I was getting my hair cut today (it's about time!) and while reading a magazine I noticed a blurb about this site called Apparently the man who started it was trying to get his young son to study for his SATs so he developed a website that would quiz his vocabulary skills. His website is now sponsored by huge corporations and for every correct vocabulary word you choose, these companies donate 20 grains of rice to starving folks. I love learning new words, so if you are a dork like me, play along for a worthy cause.
An aside: while clicking around on their website, I was connected to where they had this disturbing statistic (click here) regarding the amount of money the United States spends to help end world hunger. For such a large, wealthy country we aren't doing nearly as well as some of the smaller, less wealthy nations. That's embarrassing.
Funnily enough, I was just listening to Greg Boyd's sermon "Taking Back the House" this morning for the 2nd time where he points out how stupid it is that a country such as ours spends so much money to fund violence and war but spends so little on housing and feeding the poor. Regardless of any one's view on the war, as Christians we should find it disturbing that more is being spent to end people's lives (regardless of their faith or lack thereof) than is being spent to save them.
Sorry, I didn't intend to preach. Boyd gets me fired up sometimes.


Carrie said...

yay jane!!! I liked your post, and I'll jump on this bandwagon with you... I'm so glad I'm not the only bleeding heart in our family. I'm going to check out that sermon; haven't heard it yet.

David and Nicole said...

Hello Chris and Jane! Long time reader, first time poster. I just couldn't help myself from posting when I read that Mr. Boyd was saying we as a nation are wicked due to our defense versus giving ratio. I believe that the money we spend on defense is helping more people in the long run than if we were to do nothing and just provide them with aid. The United States has a long track record of invading countries to rid them of oppressive governments or regimes and then helping the people of those countries setup infrastructure and become self sufficient. Think about the countries that have benefited from our defense spending, the millions of people we have helped. Sorry, this is a comment and not a blog post so I will leave it at that.

-David Hunter

PS: I have a funny story (Jane you may not find it too funny) that shows you two were destined to be together.

Chris and Jane said...

Hi, David. Thanks for posting. I actually believed the same thing about a year ago...but, my pastor said something really remarkable regarding choosing the lesser of two evils (i.e. war to free the oppressed) isn't God's way. It's man's way. Unfortunately, politicians often have to choose war in order to help sometimes. But, I don't think Jesus would ever have chosen someone's death (whether that person was his enemy or not) for a greater good. Regardless, feeding and caring for those that are without is more important than any political system that can ever be established. James 1:27 says, “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.” Democracy is such a blessing! I am grateful I live in this country and have freedom. I wish everyone had the same freedom, however, our goal worth striving for, the true city set on a hill, is the Kingdom of God. An interesting book along these lines is The Myth of a Christian Nation by G. Boyd. If you have the time, desire, and if the Lord leads you check it out sometime. Anyway, Chris says hello and if you have been a long time reader why not email him sometime?

Chris and Jane said...

Hey David...this is Chris. I have a bone to pick with you. No more hanging around on the periphery. I have known you for close to twenty years and I expect an email on occasion. If you are reading the blog...I will consider it your friend dues.

David and Nicole said...

Yes, I have been very bad about keeping in touch with people. I am trying to remedy that though. Can you believe it has been almost 20 years? We are getting old or should I say our life experience is increasing. Congrats on the upcoming baby. Your life as you know it will soon be over but it will be replaced with greater things and new challenges.

Jane, I am always open to new perspectives so I will check out the book you have suggested.

Chris, my email is